Neglected Themes - Lament
I am not fond of those who can do nothing but criticize the church and bemoan her condition. We should celebrate church that God purchased with the blood of his Son to be his Bride. Many great hymns have taken a cue from Scripture and have sung the praises of the city of God (e.g. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken). May we continue to write such songs.
Yet, one does not need to read the songs of the Bible for too long before discovering the lament. There was a time when God's people could not sing but sat down and wept due to the state of the city of God and her people (see Psalm 137, Lamentations or many of the prophets). There are times when it is appropriate to lament the condition of the church, especially when those who claim the name of Christ forsake his truth and his ways for those of the world (see Revelation 2-3).
This text is my attempt at a lament. Like many of the laments in the Psalms, it begins with a description of the church's condition. It transitions with the question of what will happen to her? Though a change is not seen, the song ends with the hope that the Lord has preserved a remnant and is building his church, over which the gates of hell shall not prevail. Hope is ultimately not found in what we will do, but in God unleashing his Spirit and his Word to cure her ills. (These are the two themes David rightly suggested we have more songs on.)
For Her We Weep, For Her We Wail
For her we weep, for her we wail
A church that sleeps when foes assail
And speaks of peace while sin prevails.
Come now, O Lord, Your church revive!
Her eyes are blind, her ears are deaf.
Though she claims life, she lies in death.
Come Lord to fill her with Your breath!
Come now, O Lord, Your church revive!
Zion with Babel intertwines.
She staggers drunk with harlot wines.
Come Lord and with Your fire refine!
Come now, O Lord, Your church revive!
Shall wheat be overrun by tares?
Shall Your great cause end in despair?
No! For a remnant You've prepared!
Come now, O Lord, Your church revive!
By grace, Your remnant does remain
To preach Your Word and sing Your fame
Until Your church revives again.
Come now, O Lord, Your church revive!
Though she be fainting, sick and pale,
The gates of hell cannot prevail!
You build Your church; she cannot fail!
Come now, O Lord, Your church revive!
Lord, if our cry and plea are heard,
Unleash Your Spirit, loose Your Word!
Apart from these, there is no cure!
Come now, O Lord, Your church revive!
Text: (c) Eric Schumacher (1976- )
Tune: QUEBEC, Charles W. Everest (1814-1877)
At 8:57 PM,
Kevin P. Larson said…
Great song, Eric! I love it! I was thinking that we need more songs about revival!
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